Monday, September 20, 2010

Why I Would Like To Be Purple

Here's a very special folk bag that I have made by custom order. It is meant for a spindle, that's why its longer than my regular bags.

I got the fabric with the order and I just fell in love with it. It was pure joy to make the matching crochet and knits. I love blue purples! They are very spiritual colors and there's nothing mundane in them. I wish I could be purple - well over everyday worries and petty thoughts!

Making this bag was color therapy for me. It makes me think how important it is to work with the colors that have some kind of personal meaning. What colours touch your soul?


  1. No ihan samat värit sukeltavat mielen ja sielun sopukoihin. Olen kulkenut murrosiän oransseista tahmeisiin murrettuihin, lasten myötä vähän kirkkaampiin, nyt ikääntyessäni siniset, sinipunaiset, syvän punaiset ja viileät sinivihreät koskettavat. Silmä lepää silti monissa muissakin - joskus kaipaa jotain räväkkää.

  2. Pirie, se on totta, että väliin kaipaa räväkkää! Tein just oranssin kollaasin, laitan sen blogiin lähiaikoina. --- Pirie likes also blueish, deep colors but she said that sometimes you need something bright and that's so true. I just made an orange collage, a page in my art journal. Will blog that within the near future!

  3. Lovely blog, my dear, you are so talented and creative, I am in awe...and to answer your question.. my colors are best described by what you see in the shine of an oil slick after the rain, or when you blow bubbles and they catch the sun's reflection.Like the rainbow, only more..Thanks!

  4. Thank you, Carol! And your answer to the color question is very fascinating!!

  5. This bag is incredible. My friend contacted you to make this bag for me. I absolutely love it!! I told my friend that this bag is very "Naomi". I agree, you must work with colors that have a personal meaning. As I read through your blog I am so inspired by your creations. Thank you for making this work of art!

  6. Thanks, Naomi! I am so glad you liked the bag and its colors!

  7. You are so creative. Purple describes me too. :)


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